

The 34th legislature continues to roll on toward spring! We are all happy to see more light and longer days. I will be on the Kenai Peninsula for town halls on Friday and Saturday this week – see details below.


Because I know many of you care about Kenai Peninsula road projects, please provide comments on the new STIP amendment in the link below. Also, open houses for the Sterling Highway Safety Corridor are coming up in April on the 22 in Soldotna and on the 23rd in Sterling.


My first bill, SB 79 – sponsored by my Senate Labor & Commerce committee – is scheduled for final passage on the Senate floor today. This bill makes it easier for employees to avoid check cashing fees when they don’t have a bank account.


Talks continue about education funding. I am working to ensure our students have effective education and am advocating for increased opportunities and real measures of progress for students that are easily understood by students, parents and the community.


When you have questions or ideas, please contact me. My phone number is 907-283-7996.

The delayed phase 1b of the Cooper Landing Bypass is back in the STIP and DOT is taking public comments through March 20. Dirt work is slated to continue on the east side of the project this summer - moving the completion date up years sooner than 2032. To learn more about the history of this project, check out the overview KSRM published last October.

I want to hear from you, so I'm holding town hall meetings this coming weekend:


·     Moose Pass on Friday, February 28 at the Sportsman’s Club from 6:30 to 7:30 pm

·     Nikiski on Saturday, March 1 at the Rec Center from 10 to 11:30 am.

·     Soldotna on Saturday, March 1 at the KPB Assembly Chambers from 2 to 3:30 pm.


Can't make it? You're welcome to email me at Sen.Jesse.Bjorkman@akleg.gov or call my office at 907-283-7996. I hope you’ll stop by to share your questions and ideas.

Nikiski resident Nora Ribbens came by my office last week with her colleagues Aleena Adair and Roey Armstrong to discuss their legislative priorities for the American Cancer Society. I appreciate these opportunities to meet with District D residents to discuss their concerns and how the Legislature could address them.

I also had the opportunity to meet with Diane Fielden from Peninsula Community Health Services this week when she stopped by with her colleagues Mandy Coyle and Esther Cetina from the Alaska Primary Care Association.

The Alaska Board of Veterinary Examiners plays an important role for our state. The Board’s work ensures that veterinarians practicing in our state are qualified to provide great care of our family pets, sled dogs, livestock, and other domestic animals. My bill, SB 98, which would extend the Board to 2031, passed out of the Senate Labor and Commerce today and will next be heard in the Senate Finance Committee.

Senator Jesse Bjorkman | State Capitol Room 3, Juneau, AK 99801-1182