

This week has been another productive week in Juneau with bills and the budget both moving closer to the finish line.


In my Labor and Commerce committee we advanced bills that encourage housing development in the Borough comprehensive planning process and modernize state regulation of money services and crypto currency. In my Transportation committee, we heard about winter road maintenance how to ensure DOT’s equipment fleet is prepared to deal with winter roads.


I am honored to be your effective advocate in Juneau. Please contact my office when you have ideas or concerns by calling 907-283-7996 or by email at sen.jesse.bjorkman@gmail.com

Many concerns have led DOT to reduce its use of road brine over the last two years. The Department talked to my Senate Transportation Committee last week to discuss the issue, and I will continue to work with them to put less brine on the road and find better ways to make our roads safe for winter driving. 

This week, the Senate Resources Committee is hearing two bills that you may want to weigh in on. SB 108 which would allow for fish farming in Alaska and SB 105, which would allow for the sale of public land for recreational cabins. The Committee will take public testimony Monday for fish farms and Wednesday for selling public land at 3:30pm. Written testimony can be sent to senate.resources@akleg.gov

Kenai Peninsula real estate agents Preston

Penrod, Tori Hensley, Cindy Haakensen stopped by my office this week, as well as Suzi Towsley from the Seward Prevention Coalition. I appreciate when Kenai Peninsula residents make time to stop by my office and share their thoughts when they’re in the Capitol.

Ashley Blachford stopped by my office in

Juneau to talk to me about the great work the

LeeShore Center is doing to help support women in crisis and their families on the Kenai Peninsula.

Apply for the PFD! The March 31 deadline

is fast approaching. Apply online at mypfd.alaska.gov. Paper applications are available at the Kenai Peninsula

LIO, 145 Main Street Loop Suite 217, and other

locations on the Kenai. LIO staff are happy to certify your documents and help you apply online.

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Senator Jesse Bjorkman | State Capitol Room 3, Juneau, AK 99801-1182