Protecting Your Rights: Serving West Anchorage

January 31, 2025

In this issue:

  • Bipartisan Senate Majority
  • Education Funding Update
  • Community Information & Events

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I'm pleased to be a part of a bipartisan Senate majority with 14 members. And with a tripartisan majority in the House, it is the first time we've had two moderate majorities since 1981!

Education funding is a top priority for the 34th Legislature. Last week, the House released their education funding bill, HB 69. Read more below for an education update.

Bipartisan Senate Majority

I am proud to continue to serve as a member of the Alaska Senate Majority. Our majority is made up of nine Democrats and five Republicans. In a time with partisan politics across the country, I'm pleased to work together with my colleagues towards our shared goals.

In this 34th Legislature, we will focus on education funding, retirement reform, and the ongoing energy crisis.

Education Funding Update

Education funding is a top priority for both the tripartisan coalition in the House and bipartisan coalition in the Senate.

Alaska uses Formula Funding and the statutory Base Student Allocation (BSA) to determine the funding amount per student to then allocate to our public schools and educators. Currently, the Base Student Allocation is $5,960.

Members in both the House and Senate as well as the Governor have introduced legislation related to education funding.

HB 69: EDUCATION FUNDING: INCREASE BSA sponsored by Representative Himschoot

  • HB 69 addresses Alaska's education funding crisis by instituting inflation proofing for the future and increasing the BSA by $1,808 per student to account for rising costs since 2011. HB 69 will spread out the $1,808 BSA increase over three years. HB 69 also includes an annual inflation adjustment to the BSA beginning in FY 2026.

SB 46: EDUCATION FUNDING sponsored by Senator Claman (our office)

  • In the ten years I’ve been in the Legislature, we have only raised the BSA by eighty dollars, while prices have risen over thirty-two percent due to inflation over the same period. Rather than funding schools based on a formula that must be debated each year, the Legislature can choose to appropriate money just like it does for each department. The bill includes language requiring the Governor to publish the prior year education expenses adjusted for inflation. SB 46, aims to move the conversation away from the BSA and towards a transparent, more sustainable, long-term solution to fund our schools. 

Last year, Governor Dunleavy vetoed SB 140, a bill that included a $680 increase to the BSA. This veto is an indicator that he is likely to veto legislation that substantially increases the BSA. Even with bipartisan majorities in both the House and Senate, it is unclear if the Legislature would have the numbers to override any vetoes by the Governor.

During his tenure as Governor, Dunleavy has spoken in favor of private and charter schools as alternatives to public schools. This session, he has introduced an education bill geared towards State-Tribal compacts and an education omnibus package.

HB 76/SB 82: EDUCATION: SCHOOLS; GRANTS; FUNDING; DEBT by request of Governor Dunleavy

  • This omnibus education legislation establishes a number of changes and would cost $105 million annually, including increases in funding for homeschooled students, career and technical education, student transportation, reading instruction in elementary schools, and residential schools. The bill would also allow children to enroll in whatever school they choose, regardless of where they live, if that school is not at capacity. Furthermore, the bill includes annual bonuses for teachers. Finally, the bill would order districts to ban the use of cellphones in schools. To read more about this bill, click here.

HB 59/SB 66: STATE-TRIBAL EDUCATION COMPACTS by request of Governor Dunleavy

  • This legislation establishes a five-year pilot program to launch State-Tribal Education Compact (STEC) schools in partnership with five federally recognized Tribes and Tribal organizations. This bill will allow the Department of Education to negotiate compacts for tribally-operated schools, provides funding, and mandates reporting and annual progress reports to the legislature over a period of five years. You can read more about STECs here.

Education Funding Update

Please click here to watch

Community Information

National Unclaimed Property Day

Saturday, February 1st is National Unclaimed Property Day! 1 in 7 Americans have property waiting to be claimed. Each state has a program that works to reunite property with its rightful owner. In fact, from July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024, Alaska returned over $13 million dollars through its program. Nationally, states and counties return over $4 billion dollars to rightful owners each year.

In honor of National Unclaimed Property Day, the Alaska Unclaimed Property Program encourages all State of Alaska residents to search for property on our website at Filing a claim is simple and can be completed online. 

Check for unclaimed property online

Community Events

Mark your calendar for these upcoming events:

Black Business Expo

When: Saturday, February 1st from 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM and Sunday, February 2nd at 6:00 PM

Where: Anchorage Museum (625 C. St)

Join the Alaska Black Business Directory, Alaska Black Chamber of Commerce and Umoja Coworking & Incubator for a weekend committed to business and professional development in honor of Black History Month. This event is the largest gathering of black-owned businesses in the State of Alaska and celebrates and teaches:

  • economic empowerment
  • generational wealth building
  • how to start & grow your business
  • how to start & grow your professional career
  • how to support business and professional opportunities for young people
  • networking and meeting new customers
  • accessing capital for your business
  • community empowerment and more



11:00am: Fireside Chat and Panels

1:00pm: Black Business Expo with breakout workshops and activities during the day (FREE TO THE PUBLIC NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED)

2:00pm: Youth Business and Community Shark Tank (join in person or via zoom)

Zoom Link to view:

8:00pm-10:30pm: After Party w/ Guest DJ Talib Kweli


6:00pm: Fashion Show (doors open at 5:30pm)

We are also pleased to announce the names and bios of additional speakers and guest designers from Alaska and across the country such as FUBU and Coogi

For more information and tickets, visit this link.

Skater Tots

When: Tuesday, February 11 from 5:30 PM -7:30 PM

Where: Town Square Park (544 W 5th Ave)

When: Tuesday, February 25th from 5:30 PM -7:30 PM

Where: Chanshtnu Muldoon Park (1301 Muldoon Rd)

Get ready to lace up and glide into some epic winter weekday fun! Westchester Lagoon isn't the only place to get your skate on, so join us as we pop up at our other favorite skating rinks for a fun evening of free ice skating to groovy tunes. Don’t miss this chance to celebrate winter, meet your neighbors, and enjoy some time on the ice. Youth ice skates and skate-assist seals are available to borrow. Warm up after some time on the ice with hot chocolate.

Cost: FREE.

Learn more at

Spenard Community Council

When: Wednesday, February 5th from 7:00 to 8:00 PM

Where: In person at Spenard Recreation Center (2020 W 48th Ave). Click here for more information.

Turnagain Community Council

When: Thursday, February 6, from 6:30 to 9:00 PM

Where: Online only via Zoom. Click here for more information.

Sand Lake Community Council

When: Monday, February 10 from 6:30 - 8:30 PM

Where: In person at Sand Lake Elementary School (7500 Jewel Lake Rd) or via Zoom. Click here for details.

Bayshore/Klatt Community Council

When: Thursday, February 20 starting at 7:00 PM

Where: Hybrid. In person at Bayshore Clubhouse (3131 Amber Bay Loop) or via Zoom. Click here for details.

Sen. Matt Claman


(907) 465-4919

State Capitol Bldg. Rm 429

Juneau, Alaska 99801

(907) 465-3500
550 West 7th Ave. Suite 1700
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
State Info: (907) 269-5111
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