AMATS Non-Motorized Plan (NMP) Out for Public Review
AMATS is the acronym for Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions. Every metropolitan area with a population of more than 50,000 residents must have a designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for transportation in order to qualify for federal highway or transit assistance. AMATS is the MPO for the Anchorage Bowl and Chugiak-Eagle River areas when federal transportation funds are used. The NMP provides the vision for a non-motorized network within the AMATS Metropolitan Planning Area that when implemented, will help residents travel more safely and efficiently throughout the AMATS Planning area without the need of a motor vehicle in all seasons. The NMP merges bicycle, pedestrian, and shared use pathways planning efforts simultaneously.
This plan represents over three years of work within the AMATS planning area to study Non-motorized facilities. A series of public involvement opportunities helped shape the development of the AMATS NMP. Residents, visitors, and other stakeholders were invited to provide feedback through a variety of formats, including workshops, presentations, mobile meetings, stakeholder interviews, field data collection, and an online community survey. An agency advisory group (AAG) and community advisory group (CAG) provided additional oversight throughout the process by reviewing key deliverables, informing plan goals and objectives, and guiding the regulatory and implementation component of the plan.