Senate Majority Coalition Website

State Senator District E


Senator Cathy Giessel Newsletter


Issues affecting

your family, community and jobs.

March 23, 2023

Dear Friends and Neighbors,


Day 66 of the 121-day session.


The art work you see is created by students in Kiana School in the Northwest Arctic Borough School District in Kiana Alaska!

Teachers from all over Alaska are invited to send student art to us, for display on the 5 floors of the Capitol.


Monday, March 20 was Spring Solstice! The birds were singing on Monday at 6 am, when I walked to work!! Right on cue, they seemed to know it was spring!


Meeting with YOU!

Saturday, March 25

11 AM - 1 PM

Cornerstone Church (10431 Brayton Dr)


Items in this Newsletter:


·     Revenue Sources Press Release


·     Department of Revenue Report


·     Senate Committee Meetings


·     Anchorage Community Grants


·     Oil and Gas Senate Finance Committee Slides


·     Current Topics, Economy, Health Care, Energy


·     Alaska History


·     Breakdown of Alaska Revenue Sources


·     Oil and Permanent Fund Resources

Senate Committee Meetings

Week of March 16-22, 2023


Finance Committee

March 16- Presentation: Alaska's Economy by Dan Robinson


March 17- Presentation: 404 Primacy- Clean Water Act Permitting


March 21- Senate Bill: Legislation Relating to the Permanent Fund Dividend


March 22- Presentation: Spring Revenue Forecast by Department of Revenue



Community & Regional Affairs Committee

March 16- Muni Prop Tax Exemption/ Tax Blighted Prop- Invited and Public Testimony


March 21- Law Enforcement: Registry; Use of Force



Education Committee

March 20- University: Textbooks/ Material Cost- Public Testimony



Health & Social Services Committee

March 21- Telehealth: Multidisciplinary Care Team- Invited Testimony



Judiciary Committee

March 22- Controlled Sub.; Homicide; Good Time Deduc.



Labor & Commerce Committe

March 17- Retirement Systems; Defined Benefit Opt.- Invited and Public Testimony


March 20- Retirement Systems; Defined Benefit Opt.- Invited and Public Testimony


March 22- Retirement Systems; Defined Benefit Opt.- Invited and Public Testimony



Resources Committee

March 17- Natl. Res. Water Nomination/ Designation- Invited Testimony


March 20- Natl. Park Service; Hunting in Preserves- Invited and Public Testimony


March 22- Natl. Park Service; Hunting in Preserves- Invited and Public Testimony




March 16- Presentation: Alaska Railroad Corporation Overview


March 21- Consideration of Governor's Appointees: James Cunningham


March 20, 2023


Mayor Bronson Opens Application Period for Community Grants


Anchorage, AK – Today, Mayor Dave Bronson announced that the application window for the 2023 Mayor’s Community Grants has opened. This long-standing tradition, the Mayor's Community Grants will financially support valuable local non-profits through a competitive grant application process.


“The Community Grant program provides a way for notable and outstanding community non-profits to receive an extra boost of funding for their efforts in making our city a cleaner, safer, and more vibrant place. I am excited to review the applications and award funding to our community," said Mayor Bronson. 


Applications for the Community Grants opened today and will close April 28, 2023. Awards will focus on economic opportunity, workforce development, education, public safety, and social services. ​


Qualified organizations must be Anchorage based non-profits with official determination from the IRS.


All applications must be submitted online through the Mayor's Community Grant Portal:


Media Contact: Hans Rodvik, Deputy Communications Director, Mayor’s Office,, 907-570-6646

On March 16, 2023 the Senate Finance Committee met to discuss the current state of Alaska's economy. The whole presentation can be found below, but here are some of the slides I want to highlight.


Senate Finance Committee Presentation.

Current Topics

Haines falconer trains bird of his dreams. Alaska Public Media

A Haines falconer has acquired and trained the bird of his dreams- a gyrfalcon, The large falcons have traditionally been flown by royalty, but recent breeding programs have made them more accessible to the common falconer.


Biologist and college administrator in Colorado chosen to lead University of Alaska Southeast. Alaska Beacon

Aparna Dileep-Nageswaran Palmer, a college administrator and professor in Colorado, will succeed retiring Karen Carey as the chancellor in Juneau, University of Alaska President Pat Pitney announced on Wednesday.


Alaska senator's fight to regulate 'forever chemicals' gets a boost from new federal standards. Alaska Public Media

On Tuesday, the Enviornmental Protection Agency proposed the first-ever national limit on PFAS compounds in drinking water. Known as “forever chemicals” because they don’t break down in the environment, PFAS have been linked to cancer, liver damage, and high cholesterol.


Without action from legislature, Sitka's schools could lose 15 teaching positions next year. Raven Radio

The Sitka School Board is facing the uncomfortable possibility of cutting up to 15 teaching positions next year, unless the legislature comes through with some eleventh-hour funding for education across the state.


Florida protesters schooled in Native ways at Alaska Board of Game meeting. ADN

Dried salmon savored by rural Alaska Natives as part of a subsistence way of life won't be found among the Spanish tapas, Brazilian steaks or Southern barbecue served in the restaurants of Jacksonville, Florida. Indeed, the differences between Jacksonville (pop. 821,700) and, say, the Yukon River village of Grayling (pop. 213) couldn't be more profound.


Tlingit & Haida selected for State-Tribal Education Compact Pilot Program. Kiny Radio

The Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska announced Sunday it was awarded funding under the State-Tribal Education Compacting Demonstration Tribal Partners Grant program.


Alaska state school board supports barring transgender female students from participating in girls' sports. Alaska Beacon

On Thursday, the Alaska State Board of Education approved a resolution that supports barring transgender female students from participating in girls' sports. The resolution supported regulations that would prohibit students whose sex at birth wasn't female from participating in girls' sports. It also stated that regulation should offer a sports division for students who "identify with either sex or gender."


Furor over mail-in voting fades as Anchorage prepares for April election. Alaska Public Media

The public furor over the integrity of Anchorage’s by-mail municipal election has mostly faded away this year — though nearly half of the candidates for Anchorage Assembly say they don’t support the system. 


Anchorage voters decide on using marijuana taxes to fund early education, child care programs. Alaska Public Media

Anchorage voters will weigh in on 15 ballot propositions during next month’s municipal election. The highest-profile proposition would use marijuana taxes to fund early education efforts in the city.


Dunleavy nominates CDQ executive for North Pacific council. Alaska Public Media

Gov. Mike Dunleavy has nominated an executive at Coastal Villages Region Fund as his top choice to serve on the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council.




Opinion: Electronic Registration Information Center strengthens Alaska's democratic institutions. ADN

The system, the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), was created as a nonprofit organization in 2012 in recognition of the vital importance of voting. Led by the highly reputable Pew Charitable Trust, election officials from Colorado, Delaware, Maryland, Nevada, Utah, Virginia and Washington worked together to develop ERIC with the mission of assisting states in improving the accuracy of America's voter rolls and increasing access to voter registration for all eligible citizens.


Alaska considering return to DB pension model on public sector. Benefits Canada

To bolster Alaska’s public sector, a bipartisan effort is underway to relaunch the state’s pensions as defined benefit plans. “I’m carrying this bill on behalf of thousands of state employees who have worked for more than a decade to refine it,” said Cathy Giessel, leader of the state senate’s Republican majority during her introduction of Senate Bill 88. “It will give our employees a secure and livable retirement and also be affordable to the state.”


New legislation could clear up confusion surrounding e-bikes in Alaska. Alaska Beacon

Alaska legislators are considering a bill that would set basic rules for how electric bikes may be used in the state. Despite e-bikes becoming more popular in Alaska, legislators have struggled to define what constitutes an electric bike. House Bill 8 seeks to change that by adding a clear legal definition of what an e-bike is and is not.



Economy News

Lawsuit accuses Alaska of unconstitutionally managing Yukon, Kuskokwim salmon fisheries. Alaska Beacon

An attorney who successfully overturned a billion-dollar Alaska oil tax credit program is now targeting the state's management of its salmon fisheries.


Oil posts worst weekly loss since April 2020 amid bank chaos. Yahoo Finance

Oil posted the worst weekly loss since the early months of the coronavirus pandemic as banking turmoil poisoned investor sentiment.


Falling oil process leave Alaska lawmakers with a $925 million revenue hit, affecting budget and PFD. ADN

Falling oil prices are projected to leave Alaska's state budget with a $925 million revenue hit, pushing lawmakers to reduce the size of this year's proposed Permanent Fund dividend.


Even with a slimmer Permanent Fund dividend, low oil prices generate deficits in Alaska. Alaska Beacon

Lower oil prices have torn big holes in the Alaska state budget, the Department of Revenue said Tuesday, releasing new estimates showing a deficit of about $220 million in the fiscal year that ends June 30 and another deficit of about $240 million in the year that starts July 1.



Healthcare News

Opinion: Family caregivers are key to aging in place. ADN



Energy News

RCA order dings CEA over power pooling. Petroleum News


ANS off $8.58 for the week as bank runs panic U.S. and E.U. financial markets. Petroleum News

Alaska North Slope crude plunged $3.55 March 15 to close at $71.70, while West Texas Intermediate plummeted $3.72 to close at $67.61 and Brent plummeted $3.76 to close at $73.69.


DEC has regs out for microreactor siting. Petroleum News

The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation has draft regulations for the siting of microreactors out for public comment, with comments due by May 11.


Qilak LNG still sees quicker path to Alaska LNG exports with smaller, $5B project. Natural Gas Intel

As offtakers in the Far East are looking to diversify supplies, Qilak plans to differentiate itself from other natural gas export projects in Alaska by capitalizing on the latest Arctic LNG technology as an offshore project. It also has a shorter, cheaper route to Asian markets compared to Russia's Yamal project, said Qilak CEO Mead Treadwell.

Alaska History

·     March 21, 1913: Women's suffrage in Alaska


·     March 20, 1985: Libby Riddles won the Iditarod


·     March 18, 1918: The Wilson & Sylvester sawmill at Wrangell, the largest mill in Alaska, burned.


·     March 23, 1933: Governor George A. Parks signed into law the bill repealing the Alaska Bone Dry law.

Alaska Oil Resource Values


ANS crude oil price (3/22/23): $74.13

The current budget requires $89 per barrel to be fully funded.

Price on 9/30/22: $86.91

Price on 6/29/22: $116.84

Price on 3/8/22: $125.44

Price on 12/22/21: $75.55

ANS production (3/22/23): 464,746 bpd


Willow development expected to be a money-loser for the Alaska treasury in early years. Alaska Beacon

A giant oil development project just greenlighted by the Biden Administration and celebrated by Alaska state leaders is expected to cost the state treasury more than it would raise in the early years.


How an Alaska oil and gas expert thinks the state could make money by not drilling in ANWR. Alaska Public Media

Alaska oil and gas expert Larry Persily has an idea. He wants the state to consider selling carbon credits for keeping oil and gas in the ground in ANWR.


ADN Politics podcast: The battle over the Willow project. ADN

President Joe Biden this week approved ConocoPhillips’ Willow oil project on Alaska’s North Slope. The approval came despite massive pressure from environmental groups, who see it as a black mark on Biden’s broader efforts to deal with climate change. Meanwhile, Alaska political leaders — especially the state’s bipartisan congressional delegation — are celebrating Willow’s approval as a huge win.


ConocoPhillips Alaska to pause some work at Willow oil field amid lawsuits from conservation groups. ADN

Conservation groups have asked a federal judge for a preliminary decision to stop construction work this winter at the Willow oil field in Alaska’s Arctic, days after the Biden administration approved the project.


Willow oil development could pave way for more drilling in Alaska reserve, despite Biden's new limits. ADN

ConocoPhillips and a handful of other companies hold more than 200 additional leases beyond Willow, covering 10% of the reserve, or 2.3 million acres. So far, ConocoPhillips has launched production at a few relatively small fields in the reserve's northeastern corner where Willow is located.


Court sides with feds on NPR-A data release. Petroleum News

NPR-A is managed and leased by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management under federal law, but under Alaska law, wells are permitted by AOGCC, which releases well data after 25 months unless the commissioner of the Alaska Department of Natural Resources finds that there is unleased land in the vicinity.



Financial Statements and Fund Values


Based on the February financial statements for the Alaska Permanent Fund, there are currently $4.0 billion of realized earnings available for future appropriation. The remaining realized balance of the ERA is committed for the FY24 POMV draw and FY23 inflation-proofing for the Principal.


Here are the details -

The financial statements for the Alaska Permanent Fund as of February 28, 2023, show the Fund's total value was $75.6 billion. 


The Principal total includes:

• $52.1 billion in permanent savings contributions

• $ 9.6 billion in unrealized gains


The Earnings Reserve Account total includes:

• $4.0 billion of uncommitted realized earnings

• $3.5 billion for the FY24 POMV draw

• $4.2 billion for FY23 Inflation Proofing of the Principal

• $2.2 billion in unrealized gains


Permanent Fund 3/22/2023: $75,553,000,000

Value 9/30/22 : $70,625,300,300

Value 8/31/22 was: $73,670,500,000 

Value 4/30/22 was: $81,387,500,000


Principle - $52.1B

$51.9 B savings, royalties, other deposits

$8 B unrealized gains

(special transfers from Legislature - $4 B in 2021; $4.943 B in 2020)


ERA - $12.6 B (was $16.9B May 2022)

$3.5 B set aside for FY24 POMV

$3.9 B for FY23 Inflation Proofing

$ 1.7 B unrealized gains

$3.7 B uncommitted realized earnings

PFD payout from ERA, 1980-2022: $26.6 B


Mineral Prices

Mar. 22, 2023

Gold - $1973.60

Silver - $23.00



"To hell with politics!

Let's do what's right for Alaska!"


U.S. Senator Ted Stevens

(Senate service 1968-2009)

Feedback is always welcome.

Have a great week!




Personal Contact:



My Staff:

·     Chief of Staff: Jane Conway (from Soldotna)

·     Office Manager: Paige Brown (from Girdwood)

·     Resources Committee Staff: Julia O'Connor (from Juneau)

·     Legislation Staff: Ryan Rivers (from Anchorage)

·     UA Intern: Jon Hough (From UAF)


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