Senate Majority Coalition Website

State Senator District E


Senator Cathy Giessel Newsletter


Issues affecting

your family, community and jobs.



April 6, 2023



Dear Friends and Neighbors,


This week we had visitors from 4-H Clubs around Alaska.

Pictured is Mia Wiederspohn from Wrangell and Elle Gifford from Fairbanks.

I belonged to 4-H as a youngster growing up in Fairbanks and loved it! I learned so much in 4-H and I am a huge fan of this program.

"4-H" stands for Head, Heart, Hands and Health.

"I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to greater service and my health to better living for my club, my community, my country, and my world."


Items in this Newsletter:

·     What is CCUS? Is it a possible revenue source for Alaska?


·     Repeal of 80th Percentile Rule


·     What is Alaska Long Trail?


·     Alaska Trails Newsletter


·     Alaska Economic Trends magazine, April

What have wages and prices done?


·     Senate Floor and Committee Meetings


·     DOH Medicaid Press Release


·     Current Topics, Economy, Health Care, Energy


·     Oil and Permanent Fund Resources





Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage


This is a growing source of income from states and private property owners such as farmers. North Dakota is doing CCUS and has been for many years.


This Virtual Workshop on April 11 and 12 will inform about the aspects of this.

Governor Dunleavy has placed two bills before the Legislature - one for "carbon offset" (utilizing our forests as carbon utilizers to grow) and one for "carbon sequestration" (utilizing our emptied natural gas reservoirs to hold carbon dioxide gas).

This workshop is free.


I have heard from many District E residents that there is considerable concern about what the State of Alaska is doing about greenhouse gas and changes in climate. But folks don't seem to be aware of CCUS. Here's a great opportunity to learn more about what we are considering in my Senate Resources committee, at the request of the Governor.


Click on the image below to view the entire 2-day agenda.

Here is the link to register for this valuable workshop.




Repeal of the 80th Percentile Rule


Alaskans have a huge opportunity: We can eliminate an unnecessary regulation that has caused price inflation and turmoil in the healthcare market in Alaska.


The 80th Percentile Rule is a regulation, enacted a couple decades ago by a director of the Division of Insurance.

It is not a law passed by the Legislature.

The rule requires that an insurance company must reimburse for healthcare at the 80th percentile of the rate charged for similar health care services provided in a geographic area.

The result: For specialty care (orthopedics, anesthesia, radiology and others), a group of physicians could set the cost of the services by being the only entity in the geographic area offering that healthcare service. It is felt that this incentivized the increased creep of healthcare costs for specialized care. Over the last 12-14 years, the repeal of the 80th Percentile Rule has been identified as an important step to stop the increases in some healthcare costs.

Alaska is the only state with the 80th Percentile Rule broadly applied.


I had a piece of legislation to repeal the rule in 2018. My bill was rejected by the administration at the time.

Now that the federal bill related to “no surprise” billing has been enacted, the Division of Insurance Director has proposed this repeal. Public comment was sought and is now closed. The Insurance Director is now reviewing the public comment and will make a decision sometime in the next months.

The Legislature has no authority in the decision.


If repealed, I believe this will make a difference to lower healthcare costs and maybe insurance premiums.



Alaska Long Trail



Alaska Long Trail Concept

I referenced this in last week’s newsletter, but some folks may not have heard of this.


Attached is a Fact Sheet about the Trail idea. Last month, I shared that at one of my constituent meetings, input was given to me from the Oceanview neighborhood that this Trail idea was not welcome. Parking around their neighborhood parks is already overflowing on summer afternoons and weekends.


In addition, there are many other trail connections that could link the Trail coming in from the MatSu, going on to Potter Marsh, rather than routing through Oceanview.


Last year the Governor vetoed a large chunk of the funding for the trail. I spoke to State Parks Director, Ricky Gease, about the Trail; he said that until there are actual surveyed locations defined, it was premature to fund it.


I wanted to share this information with you about the Trail idea itself.


Check out the newest newsletter from Alaska Trails here!








Senate Floor Session

Week of March 30-April 5, 2023



Senate Floor Session

DATE: 03-31-2023

Present: Bishop, Bjorkman, Claman, Dunbar, Giessel, Gray-Jackson, Hughes, Kaufman, Kawasaki, Kiehl, Merrick, Myers, Olson, Shower, Stedman, Stevens, Tobin, Wielechowski, Wilson.

Excused: Hoffman.

Absent: None.



The bill would set a requirement for the legislative finance division to review unused funds, accounts, and certain programs.

Vote: 19-0 to pass.



The bill would set March as Brain Injury Awareness Month.

Vote: 19-0 to pass.


Senate Committee Meetings

Week of March 30-April 5



March 30- Presentation: Retirement Income Comparisons- Pensions vs. 401(k)


March 31- Oil & Gas Production Tax; Income Tax


April 3- Bills Previously Heard/ Scheduled


April 4- Proclaim Juneteenth Day a Holiday- Invited and Public Testimony


April 5- Bills Previously Heard/ Scheduled



Community & Regional Affairs

April 4- Peer Support Counseling Program




April 3- REAA Fund: Mt. Edgecumbe, Teacher Housing- Invited and Public Testimony


April 5- Financial Literacy Course in Schools- Public Testimony



Health & Social Services

March 30- Medicare Reimbursement- Invited and Public Testimony


April 4- Home and Community-Based Waiver Services- Invited and Public Testimony




March 31- Controlled Sub.; Homicide; Good Time Deduc.- Invited Testimony


April 3- Consideration of Governor's Appointees


April 5- Five-Year Involuntary Commitments- Invited Testimony



Labor & Commerce

March 31- Professional Licensing; Temp Permits


April 3- Profession of Pharmacy- Invited Testimony


April 5- Perm Fund; Employment; Eligibility- Invited and Public Testimony



March 31- Presentation: Cook Inlet Update


April 3- Consideration of Governor's Appointees


April 5- Presentation: Alaska Energy Authority Overview



State Affairs

March 30- Presentation: Alaska Defense Force Overview




March 30- Western AK/ Arctic Oil Spill Response- Invited and Public Testimony


April 4- Consideration of Governor's Appointees


April 6- Bills Previously Heard/ Scheduled





Current Topics

National report finds that children in Alaska are struggling. Alaska Beacon

New data shows that Alaska's children are struggling in key areas such as education and health, according to an analysis of data recently presented to lawmakers. Alaska ranked 41st among the states for overall child well-being, in data gathered by the Annie E. Casey Foundation in partnership with state nonprofits, including the Alaska Children's Trust.


What are auroras and why do they come in different shapes and colors? Alaska Beacon

Auroras are caused by charged particles from Earth’s magnetosphere and the solar wind colliding with other particles in Earth’s upper atmosphere. Those collisions excite the atmospheric particles, which then release light as they “relax” back to their unexcited state.


Texting and Driving. Healthday

Texting and driving can be deadly. Holding your phone in your hand to talk and surfing the internet while behind the wheel is dangerous, too.


Hands-free devices. Pluribus

Traffic safety advocates are urging more states to pass laws that require drivers to put down their devices and focus on the road, as fatal distracted driving crashes increase.


Finland joins NATO in major blow to Russia over Ukraine war. ADN

Finland joined the NATO military alliance Tuesday, dealing a major blow to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a historic realignment of Europe's post-Cold War security landscape triggered by Moscow's invasion of Ukraine.




Alaska officials prepare for possible commercial fishing expansion into Arctic waters. Alaska Beacon

Bans on commercial fishing in U.S. and international Arctic waters have been lauded as admirable preemptive actions that protect vulnerable resources before they are damaged by exploitation.


Alaska Department of Fish and Game releases Kuskokwim Bay salmon fishery announcement. KYUK

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) released an announcement on March 29, 2023. The advisory announcement notes that ADF&G does not expect to open any commercial gillnet fishing in Districts 4 and 5 of Kuskokwim Bay.




Alaska's child care crisis is too costly to ignore. Alaska Beacon

Member's of Alaska House Finance Committee struggled with a vote to pass a budget amendment that would go far to improve the historically low wages child care providers earn in Alaska. Members of the full body will likely have one more opportunity to make things right next week when floor votes are held on amendments to the state's operating budget.


Alaskans overwhelmingly oppose governor's 'parental rights' bill in first hearing. ADN

More than 100 Alaskans spoke out against a "parental rights" bill proposed by Gov. Mike Dunleavy, in a wave of opposition to the legislation many said would harm already vulnerable transgender youths.



Economy News

School staff eye retirement reform. Peninsula Clarion

Nearly three in four staff members employed by the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District would be given the opportunity to transition to a defined benefit retirement plan under a bill currently being considered by the Alaska Legislature.


Governor signs bill fast-tracking relief for SNAP benefits. Alaska's News Source

Governor Mike Dunleavy signed a fast-track bill on Friday that could accelerate the processing of thousands of SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) cases.


A massive state-funded food shipment is expected to bring only temporary relief amid Alaska's ongoing food stamp crisis. ADN

Nearly $1.7 million worth of state-funded bulk food is headed to communities around Alaska- 45 tons of canned goods intended to make up for a backlog in federal food stamps that's left thousands still waiting on benefits.


Dimon's sunny forecast. Axios

Market volatility notwithstanding, writes Dimon, consumers are spending 23% more than they were pre-COVID, and are sitting on $1.2 trillion of "excess cash" in their checking accounts.



Healthcare News

Alaska House advances bill to tackle fentanyl crisis with longer drug sentences. ADN

An Alaska House committee advanced legislation last week to address the state's fentanyl crisis with longer sentences for opioid convictions.



Energy News

Nuclear Energy developments. NCSL


Arctic Alternatives: Multiple roads to Alaska's energy future. AK BizMag

What would a more diverse, multi-faceted energy industry in Alaska look like?



Alaska Oil Resource Values


ANS crude oil price (4/5/23): $83.38

The current budget requires $89 per barrel to be fully funded.

Price on 9/30/22: $86.91

Price on 6/29/22: $116.84

Price on 3/8/22: $125.44

Price on 12/22/21: $75.55

ANS production (4/5/23): 488,481 bpd


OPEC+ makes shocking million-barrel cut in new inflation risk. Bloomberg

OPEC+ announced a surprise oil production cut of more than 1 million barrels a day, abandoning previous assurances that it would hold supply steady and posing a new risk for the global economy.


Analysts on OPEC's surprise production cut. Axios

Oil is a major input for global prices — it's a key cost to every product, commodity and person transported as part of the global economy.


Opponents lose bid to immediately halt work at Alaska's Willow oil field. ADN

A federal judge on Monday declined to stop ConocoPhillips from beginning constructions work this season at the Willow oil field in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska.


Permanent Fund 4/5/2023: $75,553,300,000

Value 9/30/22 : $70,625,300,300

Value 8/31/22 was: $73,670,500,000 

Value 4/30/22 was: $81,387,500,000


Principle - $61.7B

$52.1 B savings, royalties, other deposits

$9.6 B unrealized gains

(special transfers from Legislature - $4 B in 2021; $4.943 B in 2020)


ERA - $12.6 B (was $16.9B May 2022)

$3.5 B set aside for FY24 POMV

$4.2 B for FY23 Inflation Proofing

$ 2.2 B unrealized gains

$4.0 B uncommitted realized earnings

PFD payout from ERA, 1980-2022: $26.6 B


Mineral Prices

April 5, 2023

Gold - $2019.60

Silver - $24.88





"To hell with politics!

Let's do what's right for Alaska!"


U.S. Senator Ted Stevens

(Senate service 1968-2009)



Feedback is always welcome.

Have a great week!




Personal Contact:



My Staff:

·     Chief of Staff: Jane Conway (from Soldotna)

·     Office Manager: Paige Brown (from Girdwood)

·     Resources Committee Staff: Julia O'Connor (from Juneau)

·     Legislation Staff: Ryan Rivers (from Anchorage)

·     UA Intern: Jon Hough (From UAF)


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