Dear Friends,

We are now over halfway through the Legislative Session. Lawmakers have been busy considering numerous bills on issues to include the budget, education, and infrastructure. There is still much work to be done in the remaining weeks!  

I also wanted to remind everyone that the last day to vote in Anchorage's municipal election is quickly approaching and ballots are due back no later than Tuesday, April 2. This year's ballot includes races for mayor and school board seats and bond propositions. To learn more about how to track your ballot, how to request a replacement ballot, and where to find drop-boxes in Anchorage, visit the Municipality's website here. Be sure to make your voice heard by casting your ballot!

Finally, signs of spring are all around as the snow melts and temperatures warm up. I hope everyone enjoys the change of seasons and the increase in sunlight that it brings. Wishing you all a very happy and rejuvenating spring!

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

The month of April is designated as Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) each year. This annual campaign raises public awareness about sexual violence and educates communities on how to prevent it. 

In Alaska, rates of sexual assault remain tragically high. Alaska saw the highest rape rate in the United States in 2022, with 134 rapes per 100,000 inhabitants. However, it is estimated that only 33% of sexual assaults are reported to police.

59.3% of all reported victims were juveniles. Victims under the age of 11 reported being assaulted by a family member in nearly 70% of reported offenses. A family member for this age group includes siblings, parents, grandparents, and other family relationships. 

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault, please know that help and support are available. For Anchorage residents, the following local resources can offer crisis intervention, counseling services, and help navigating legal and medical systems:

- CIRI Foundation's Safe Harbor Crisis Line: 907-276-7273
- Standing Together Against Rape (STAR) Anchorage: 907-276-7273 
- Victim Advocate Program through Anchorage Police Department: 907-786-8513

This April, I encourage everyone to educate themselves on the issue of sexual violence and what you can do to prevent it. If you need help, please call one of the crisis lines listed above. You do not have to go through this alone!

Education Funding

During a joint session, I voted to override the Governor’s veto on the education bill, SB 140. Although 65% of the legislature voted to override the Governor with a vote of 39 to 20, we were still one vote short of the 40 votes required.

SB 140 was a truly bipartisan compromise between the House and Senate and I was disappointed to see it vetoed. Education continues to be a top priority for the Senate Majority. Our schools have not seen an increase in education funding for eight years and during that time we've seen inflation costs grow significantly. That's why the Senate passed a bill to increase education funding last year and we continued to push for an increase again this year after that bill died in the House.

Constituent Meeting

Here's an opportunity you're not going to want to miss!

Please join me for a constituent meeting on April 18th. The meeting will be a good opportunity to share your concerns and opinions while also hearing an update from me regarding the happenings within our Legislature. Please scan the QR code below or click here to RSVP for the event link.

I look forward to seeing you soon!

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to my office at:

Besse Odom
Chief of Staff

Luma Diaz
Legislative Aide

Jeff Stepp
Legislative Council Aide

I’m Senator Elvi, always.....
"Listening and Representing Your Interests!”