Dear Friends,

As the leaves begin to change color and the days grow shorter, it's clear that the crispness of autumn is in the air. With kids back in school, I hope you are settling into a familiar rhythm.

I'm committed to ensuring that the voices of all Alaskans are heard during the upcoming legislative session. My office has been actively engaging with constituents and stakeholders to identify key areas where we can work together to improve our state.

Interim Visits:


August was another busy month connecting with constituents and organizations dedicated to the well-being of Alaskans. One visit I particularly enjoyed was touring the facilities of Alaska Community Action on Toxics (ACAT). My visit to ACAT's facility was truly inspiring. I had the opportunity to learn firsthand about the challenges faced by our communities due to PFAS contamination. The dedication of the ACAT team is a testament to their commitment to making a positive difference in Alaska. Senate Bill 67, which I co-sponsored, became law this month - thanks in large part to the dedicated people from ACAT. SB 67 bans the use of dangerous PFAS "forever chemicals" in Alaska.

Covenant House

My work supporting the Covenant House of Alaska goes back long before my time as a Senator. It was such a joy to see how they have grown and expanded. Covenant House is doing the work and leading the charge to reduce homelessness in Alaska.

Their state-of-the-art facility offers everything from an art room to a lending closet to get youth interview ready, to a training center with state-of-the-art simulators! Not to mention the coffee shop that is run by the youth. All of that in addition to stable housing for ages 13-24.

Covenant House wants to see a long-lasting solution for those experiencing homelessness. They are leading national pilot programs demonstrating how relationship-building and trauma-informed care can turn Alaskans' lives around.

Honored to Represent Alaska in Taiwan

During the week of August 25th, Senator Wielechowski and I had the privilege of visiting Taipei, Taiwan, at the invitation of the Taipei Economic & Cultural Office (TECO) in Seattle. We joined 8 Representatives and Senators from Wyoming and Idaho along with the Idaho's Lt. Governor and his wife. This trip was a valuable opportunity to strengthen our relationship with a key economic partner.

Alaska has a long history of trade with Taiwan, and we're excited to work towards re-establishing a dedicated trade office there. Our Asian neighbors, especially Taiwan, are significant markets for Alaskan exports, accounting for approximately one-third of our total exports.

During our visit, we learned firsthand about the many ways Alaska and Taiwan can collaborate on trade and education. Of particular interest is exploring opportunities to strengthen our educational systems together.

We are both confident that our partnership with Taiwan will continue to grow and benefit both of our states.

Community Councils

I look forward to seeing you all again at the community council meetings across the district. Your input is invaluable as I work to represent our district in the Legislature. I encourage you to attend the upcoming community council meetings and share your thoughts on the issues that matter most to you.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to my office at:

Deirdre Goins

Legislative Aide


Jeff Stepp

Legislative Council Aide


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I’m Senator Elvi, always.....
"Listening and Representing Your Interests!”