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Myself and Anchorage area legislators will be back in town this coming weekend for a Town Hall. Bring a friend and let me know what's on your mind.

Anchorage Delegation Town Hall
Where: UAA Rasmuson Hall, 3416 Seawolf Drive
When: Sunday, March 5th, 2pm-4pm
Bus Routes: 10, 20, and 25

Learn more here:

I look forward to seeing you there!

Learn more about the work we are doing at
Track bills by texting a bill number to 559-245-2529 or by visiting
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The Vision
A state where our society thrives, our people prosper, and our constituents experience a high-level of wellbeing. We will achieve this through a limited, accountable, efficient, and transparent government which provides opportunities and respects personal freedoms.

The Mission
Champion continuous improvement and best management practices to balance Alaska’s budget, protect the Permanent Fund, and lay the groundwork for prosperity for years to come. 

We still like Snail-Mail:
During Session (January - May): Alaska State Capitol, Room 115, Juneau, AK 99801
During Interim (June-December): 1500 W Benson Blvd, Anchorage, AK 99503

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