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Join Representative Calvin Schrage and I this weekend for coffee and an opportunity to catch up. Saturday the 11th from 10-11am at the Brayton Dr Kaladi Brothers Coffee.
March 10, 2023

We've certainly been staying busy these past few weeks! I flew to Anchorage to attend the Iditarod start on the 11th, and then participated in the Anchorage House and Senate Delegation townhall on the 12th. Monday morning, I was back in the capitol where our office kept a fast paced schedule with committee hearings, meetings with constituent groups, and working with other committee chairs to get hearings on our pending bills and resolutions.

Some of the highlights that are included in this edition: A decision about the Willow Project, news from the Transportation Committee, a report on our recent Town Hall, and updates on progress with our legislation. See above for details about tomorrow's meetup at Kaladi Brothers Coffee. 

We work hard to stay in touch, so as always, please feel free to drop us a line or give us a call if you have questions, comments, or just want to say hello! 

Willow Decision is Imminent

It looks like the Biden Administration is close to making a final decision about the Willow Projectan oil and gas development project in the National Petroleum Reserve that promises thousands of jobs for Alaskans and years of critically needed economic growth for Alaska. 

The Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement on February 1st confirmed that the project is legally sufficient and environmentally sound. Alaska has a long history of safely and responsibly developing our resources. Willow is critical for Alaska. But we can't forget that Willow is also important for the rest of the United States in our effort to reduce our reliance on nations with no regard for human rights or the environment.

Alaskan's are hurting for productive work. I'm not counting any chickens before they're hatched, but I'm hopeful that the White House will make the right decision. The economic health of Alaska is on the line.

The Transportation Committee Moves our First Bill!

We continue to be hard at work on many important topics in the Senate Transportation Committee. This week was special because we passed our first bill out of committee, Senate Bill 62, which defines Electric-Assisted Bicycles (e-bikes) in statute. This bill clarifies that Alaskans do not need to register their e-bike as a motor vehicle, meaning they can enjoy the great outdoors without being subject to excessive registration, licensing, or insurance requirements. Thanks to my Fairbanks colleagues Senator Scott Kawasaki and Representative Ashley Carrick for bringing this legislation forward. 

Next week we will be hearing two presentations in the Transportation Committee. I encourage you to tune in:

Tuesday, March 14, 1:30-3pm AKST
Presentation by the University of Alaska, Fairbanks about some exciting new developments in their Unmanned Aircraft program. Drones!!! Slide pack and live video will be available here on Tuesday

Thursday, March 16, 1:30-3pm AKST
The Alaska Railroad Corporation will give us their first update since the pandemic. They'll talk about their long term plans and ways that they are improving their interface with Alaskans. Slide pack and live video will be available here on Thursday.

Anchorage Delegation Town Hall

It was great to catch up with UAA Sean Parnell during the opening of the town hall.
In case you missed it, we had an Anchorage delegation town hall at UAA last weekend. Thank you to everyone that took the time on what was a beautiful sunny Sunday to let us know your thoughts and concerns. I was able to hear from several of you about issues around education funding. There are currently several bills swirling around the capital that would increase the Base Student Allocation (BSA) for Alaskan schools. As always, the details are what matters. I am not on any of the committees that will be holding hearings on the BSA increase, but I will keep a close eye on the legislation as it moves through the legislature so that I can make the most informed decision possible.

I have also read through the written testimony that some of you left for me at the town hall. As always, I enjoy hearing from constituents, so thank you to all that attended and took the time to share your thoughts with me.

Legislation Progress Update

Executive Budget Act
Sometimes the work hits all at once! Two of my bills will be heard next week for the first time in committee.

First, on Tuesday the 14th, Senate Bill 21 reorganizing the Executive Budget Act (EBA) will be heard in Senate State Affairs Committee. This bill aims to increase the efficiency of the executive branch of state government and its agencies by optimizing our strategic plans, mission statements, performance plans, and financial plans. Aligning execution of work with an effective direction is crucial to better service delivery and efficiency.

Visit this bill's webpage here:

Check out this video overviewing the bill. It's a little bit old (I'm no longer a "Representative") 

Reestablishing CACFA
Second, on Wednesday the 15, Senate Bill 34 reestablishing the Citizen Advisory Commission on Federal Areas (known as CACFA for short), will be heard in Senate Resources Committee. This bill aims to reestablish CACFA, restoring this important tool that helps individual Alaskans navigate the complicated rules and regulations of the huge swaths of federal land in our state. As institutional memory of the Alaska Statehood Act, ANILCA, and ANCSA slowly disappear, CACFA is a critical tool to ensure that the careful compromises made in these laws are remembered and the voices of Alaskans are heard on the issues that impact us all.

Watch the hearing live here: Senate Resources Committee March 15th, 3:30-5pm. 

Have a great weekend!

AKLeg Contacts:
Rep. Julie Coulombe (HD 11) — 465-3879
Rep. Calvin Schrage (HD 12) — 465-4931

Find your Community Council: Online here
or call 277-1977

Municipality of Anchorage
Assembly Members

Anc School District: 742-4000
Anc School Board: 742-1101
Anc Pothole Hotline: 343-8277
My bills
SB 20/SJR 4: Proposes functional spending cap which a constructive link our private sector performance (measured by GDP) and government spending.
SB 21: Reorganizes the Executive Budget Act to integrate the planning and budgeting processes used by the executive and legislative branches.
SB 25: Repealing statutory funds that have been replaced or have long been unused.
SB 26: Creating a specialty license plate honoring peace officers who have died in the line of duty.
SB 33: Extends the Renewable Energy Grant Fund which allows communities across Alaska to pursue renewable projects that reduce the high cost of gas.
SB 34: Reauthorizes CACFA which helps Alaskans navigate complex federal land access and land use regulations and works with federal agencies to ensure Congressional intent is implemented with respect to Alaska’s interests.
SJR 9: Protects the Permanent Fund and dividend through a constitutional amendment. Solidifying a POMV structure and dividend split which would both be set out in law. 
Learn more about the work we are doing at
Track bills by texting a bill number to 559-245-2529 or by visiting
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The Vision
A state where our society thrives, our people prosper, and our constituents experience a high-level of wellbeing. We will achieve this through a limited, accountable, efficient, and transparent government which provides opportunities and respects personal freedoms.

The Mission
Champion continuous improvement and best management practices to balance Alaska’s budget, protect the Permanent Fund, and lay the groundwork for prosperity for years to come. 

We still like Snail-Mail:
During Session (January - May): Alaska State Capitol, Room 115, Juneau, AK 99801
During Interim (June-December): 1500 W Benson Blvd, Anchorage, AK 99503

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