Sally is brand new to my staff, but not to Fairbanks – she is a lifelong Fairbanksan. Sally has been an instructor at UAF for over a decade. She is completely baffled by Juneau’s warm, wet weather. She is looking forward to working for the best interests of her hometown.
As I will often be out of the office, attending meetings, drafting bills, testifying on the Senate floor and doing everything that I can to make things happen, when you call me here in Juneau, you will most likely talk to one of my staff. Luckily, they are all very personable and helpful and will make sure to listen to your concerns, take your messages, and get me in touch with you as quickly as possible.
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Joe Hayes, Jenna Colquhoun, and Sally Rafson. Friendly Fairbanks Faces | |
Senators Kawasaki, Olson and Kronk Taking Their Oaths of Office | |
On Tuesday, the other Legislators and I were sworn in by Lt. Governor Nancy Dahlstrom. My mother Ginny and sister Sonya were in attendance to watch me take my oath of office. Serving Alaska for the 34th Alaska Legislative session will be an honor.
As soon as I was officially sworn in once again, I got right back to work for Fairbanks. I will be the Chair of the State Affairs Committee again, which oversees Alaska’s government agencies and offices. As Committee Chair, I preside over committee meetings, schedule hearings and decide which bills we will act on. I am looking into areas of the state that need more oversight, such as the Pioneer Home and the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA.) If you are concerned about a lack of oversight in any Alaskan Organization, please give me a call and let me know.
| Representative Highlights | |
Representatives Will Stapp and Maxine Dibert Taking Their Oaths of Office | |
Although I am serving for the Senate, we don’t want to forget about my friends in the House! The Representatives from our neck of the woods are Representative Maxine Dibert from District 31 and Representative Will Stapp from District 32. Representative Dibert is a Koyukon Athabascan who was born and raised in Fairbanks. She is currently one of only three Alaska Native woman in our Legislature. She is the Co-Chair of the House Resources Committee and is also serving on the Tribal Affairs Committee. Representative Stapp moved to Fairbanks in 2006 when he was stationed in Fort Wainwright. He is on the House Finance Committee. | |
An Artistic Rendering of Alaska Free Legal Answers
(All legal help will be conducted indoors)
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Not everything is happening in Juneau – there are still great events going on in Fairbanks! As you know, Monday was Martin Luther King Day. To celebrate this important holiday (one of my favorites,) lawyers from the Alaska Bar Association gave out free legal advice in downtown Fairbanks at UAF’s Community and Technical College. If you missed this event but are in need of legal advice, you can still get your questions answered.
Alaska Free Legal Answers is a free virtual legal advice clinic where volunteer lawyers licensed in Alaska will answer civil legal questions for free to low-income Alaskans. So, for example, if you are a low-income Alaskan being evicted and not sure of your legal rights, or if you have questions about a disability or unemployment check, you can ask for legal advice at Alaska Free Legal Answers. Qualifying users can post their legal questions anytime at Don’t let lack of funds or resources stop you from getting any legal help that you need!
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My Staff and I are Here for You
I will continue to keep you updated both on cool events that are going on around Fairbanks, as well as what I’m working on in Juneau throughout the session. If you have any questions about anything going on in the Capitol or at home, feel free to give me a call or shoot me an email – as always, my staff and I are working for you. We will assist you with the issues important to you and your family.
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Working Hard for Fairbanks Families, | |
Senator Scott Kawasaki
Alaska State Senator
Serving the City of Fairbanks, Ft. Wainwright & Badger Road
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As your Senator, I am here to listen and help. Contact me anytime. | | |
Lisa Murkowski
Fairbanks Office:
250 Cushman St,
Suite 2D
Fairbanks, AK 99701
(907) 456-0233 or Email
Senator Dan Sullivan
Fairbanks Office:
101 12th Avenue, # 328
Fairbanks, AK 99701
(907) 456-0261 or Email
Mary S. Peltola
153 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-5765 or email State Office Forthcoming
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Phone: (907) 465-3466
FAX: (907) 465-2937
State Capitol Building
Juneau, AK 99801
Phone: (907) 456-7423
1292 Sadler Way Suite 308
(AlaskaUSA Credit Building)
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Toll Free: (866) 465-3466
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Here are some ways
to let your voice be heard regarding issues important to you.
Write a Letter
to the Editor: submit up to a 350 word letter to the Fairbanks News Miner via their website:
Contact the Governor:
Governor Dunleavy's Fairbanks office may be reached at (907) 451-2920. You can also visit the state website at
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