A new state-mandated energy rating requirement is set to take effect starting January 1, 2026, impacting anyone selling a home within the PM 2.5 Non-Attainment Area, which includes most of Fairbanks, North Pole, and Goldstream.
Starting in 2026, before listing their home for sale, homeowners will be required to:
-Pay for a professional energy rating
-File the results with the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
-Provide the rating to any potential buyer
Proponents of this new regulation say that it will improve Fairbanks’ air quality and help bring us in compliance with the Clean Air Act.
Those opposed to the regulation say that it will make it even harder for people to sell their homes, harder for people to get home loans and, in general, negatively impact lower-income buyers and sellers.
My colleagues in the Interior Delegation and I are looking into this matter. You can find more information on this mandate at:
https://dec.alaska.gov/air/anpms/communities/fbks-pm2-5-real-estate and email your questions to decburnwisealaska@alaska.gov