
February 8, 2025

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Dear Neighbors,

While I’ve been settling in here in Juneau, I’ve been very invested in what’s going on at home. It was a stressful time for me, and I’m sure many of you, especially those of you who have children in elementary school, as we waited for Tuesday’s FSNB School Board meeting to find out which of our elementary schools would have to close.

 My heart goes out to the families in Pearl Creek, Midnight Sun, and Two Rivers Elementaries’ districts, who will be having to switch schools next year. I am particularly saddened that we are losing Midnight Sun Elementary, as I know this school is very important to our many families who live on and near Badger Road.

While I am very sad that these schools are closing, I am elated that Hunter will be kept open. Hunter is in my district and is very important to my community, as it serves a higher percentage of low-income families than most of the schools in the district. Keeping Hunter open was a student-centered decision.

I know that some who are mourning the closure of their child’s school might be angry at the FNSB School Board, but it is important to remember that the school closures are a result of our lack of school funding in Alaska. If House Bill 69 passes, it would increase the base student allocation for Alaska’s public schools. I am supporting this bill and will do what I can to help get it passed once it goes to the Senate.

Heads Up Home Owners and Buyers

A new state-mandated energy rating requirement is set to take effect starting January 1, 2026, impacting anyone selling a home within the PM 2.5 Non-Attainment Area, which includes most of Fairbanks, North Pole, and Goldstream.

Starting in 2026, before listing their home for sale, homeowners will be required to:

-Pay for a professional energy rating

-File the results with the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)

-Provide the rating to any potential buyer

Proponents of this new regulation say that it will improve Fairbanks’ air quality and help bring us in compliance with the Clean Air Act.

Those opposed to the regulation say that it will make it even harder for people to sell their homes, harder for people to get home loans and, in general, negatively impact lower-income buyers and sellers.

My colleagues in the Interior Delegation and I are looking into this matter. You can find more information on this mandate at:  

https://dec.alaska.gov/air/anpms/communities/fbks-pm2-5-real-estate and email your questions to decburnwisealaska@alaska.gov

Chart explaining Home Energy Ratings


Senator Kawasaki and Representative Maxine Dibert in front of a painting of Denali

In National news, you’ve probably heard that President Trump is trying to change the official name of Denali to Mount McKinley. Like most Alaskans, I consider Denali, the name that Alaskan’s have called the mountain for thousands of years, to be the rightful name. It is disrespectful not only to the Athabascan people, but to all of us Alaskans, for the President to be trying to dictate the names of our landforms. Representative Dibert’s Resolution “A Resolution to Maintain Denali as the Official Name,” passed the House 31 -8 and the Senate 19-0. It is now going to our congressional delegation, Governor Dunleavy and President Trump.

You can see my statements on this Resolution on the Senate Floor here:

Events in Fairbanks!

While I’m happy to be in Juneau working for the best interests of Fairbanks, I am always sad to be missing out on all of the great events that are going on at home.

Tonight, our Nanooks face off against our archrivals, the UAA Seawolves for the final game of the Governor’s Cup, and if we win, we take the Cup! The puck drops at 5pm at the Carlson Center – Go Nooks!

The Nanooks trouncing the Seawolves in the last Govenor's Cup

One of the things that makes Fairbanks a unique place to live is the vast number of activities involving ice that we host – we aren’t limited to just hockey! The World Ice Art Championships will be opening on Valentine’s Day at the Fairgrounds. You can go check out the ice sculptures between February 14th – March 31st. I think that it’s best to go early, before they start melting. Remember, we host the largest Ice Sculpture competition in the world! For more information go to https://icealaska.com/

An ice sculpture working on his frozen masterpiece

For those of you who prefer warmer activities this time of year, the 25th Farthest North Jewish Film Festival started last Sunday. The festival runs through February 16th, with films every Sunday at Alaska Coffee Roasters. The theme this year is Jewish food, Jewish women and Jewish humor, which sounds like a recipe for some entertaining movies. For a full schedule of the films, visit The Farthest North Jewish Film Festival Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/fnjfilmfestival

The films being featured in this year's Farthest North Jewish Film Festival

I hope that everyone celebrated National Homemade Soup Day on Tuesday! We did here in Juneau.

Senator Kawasaki making soup for the hungry legislature on Homemade Soup Day

My Staff and I are Here for You

I will continue to keep you updated both on cool events that are going on around Fairbanks, as well as what I’m working on in Juneau throughout the session. If you have any questions about anything going on in the Capitol or at home, feel free to give me a call or shoot me an email – as always, my staff and I are working for you. We will assist you with the issues important to you and your family.

Working Hard for Fairbanks Families,

Senator Scott Kawasaki

Alaska State Senator

Serving the City of Fairbanks, Ft. Wainwright & Badger Road


As your Senator, I am here to listen and help. Contact me anytime.



Lisa Murkowski

Fairbanks Office:

250 Cushman St,

Suite 2D

Fairbanks, AK 99701

(907) 456-0233 or Email

Senator Dan Sullivan

Fairbanks Office:

101 12th Avenue, # 328

Fairbanks, AK 99701

(907) 456-0261 or Email


Nick Begich

153 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20515

(202) 225-5765 or email State Office Forthcoming

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Phone: (907) 465-3466

FAX: (907) 465-2937

State Capitol Building

Juneau, AK 99801


Phone: (907) 456-7423

1292 Sadler Way Suite 308

(AlaskaUSA Credit Building)

Fairbanks, AK 99701

Toll Free: (866) 465-3466










Here are some ways

to let your voice be heard regarding issues important to you.

Write a Letter

to the Editor: submit up to a 350 word letter to the Fairbanks News Miner via their website: http://newsminer.com

Contact the Governor:

Governor Dunleavy's Fairbanks office may be reached at (907) 451-2920. You can also visit the state website at gov.alaska.gov