
March 9, 2023

Dear Neighbors,

The sun has made an appearance in Juneau and the session is heating up. The Governor, yesterday, introduced a bill to provide extra funding for teachers recognizing the Senate request for support for education. My Senate colleague, Senator Cathy Giessel introduced SB88 which would create a better retirement for teachers, public safety workers and critical public employees. The Committee I chair, Senate Senate State Affairs, is hearing election integrity bills to make it both easier and safer to vote next time. Brent Sass of Fairbanks is leading the Iditarod and the PFD deadline is rapidly approaching. Read on for more!

Education Bills in the Spotlight

A group of children raising their hands

The Bipartisan Senate Majority has made education and workforce recruitment and retention a priority for the next two years. Yesterday, Governor Dunleavy introduced a bill that would provide a cash payment for full time, certified classroom teachers each July for a three-year period. The payments would be layered by geographic location with more going to rural educators. It could be part of the solution to the disparity our teachers face.

Another part of the education picture would be simple increase in education funding. The Legislature has only increased the education funding formula by $30 since 2017. My Democratic colleague Senator Tobin has introduced SB52 to increase the funding by $1000 addressing years of flat funding that has caused three schools to close and classrooms to swell. I am happy to co-sponsor this bill and these two bills together will go a long way to providing our students. 

Retirement Alaskans Can Count On

A notebook with the words “Defined Benefit Plan” written on the front

My colleague Senator Giessel introduced SB88 which would enhance the retirement for decades of service from our teachers, law enforcement and other critical needs employees. During a recent Senate Finance Committee meeting the Division of Retirement and Benefits presenter stated that the 401k system would provide retirees 8% less per average than the defined contribution plan. After 17 years and several Republican administrations demanding some changes to retain employees, the Legislature finally has a bill that could pass the Senate. Alaska has become a training state for others as many of our employees work for five years, get vested in their retirement and proceed to states with greater long-term benefits. The evidence makes it clear we cannot continue this way and I am happy to have co-sponsored this important bill.

Making Elections Better

A cartoon picture of a ballot going into a ballot box.

In the committee I chair, Senate State Affairs we heard two election-related bills. First, we heard SB19 which I sponsored to modernize elections and build on the successes of the implementation of 2020 and 2022. Some of the things my bill does include:

·        Automatic renewal of absentee voters

·        Ballot tracking

·        Signature verification and ballot curing mechanisms

·        Prepaid return postage for by mailed absentee ballots

·        A requirement for the Division of Election to inform voters if something is wrong with their ballot immediately.

SB 1 also addresses some of the same issues. To see the hearing click here.

Iditarod Update

Brent Sass in the 2022 Iditarod.

Local kid Brent Sass was the first to pass the Nikolai checkpoint early Monday morning. Brent and many others have now traveled more than 263 miles from the ceremonial starting point in Anchorage. Brent Sass attended the University of Alaska Fairbanks and skied for their Nordic ski team. Sass decided to get into dog mushing after seeing his neighbor, Kurt Wold, mush his own dogs. Camping trips and leisurely rides lead to him training with Susan Butcher and David Monson where he learned how to run successful large kennels. He has won both the Yukon Quest (2015) and the Iditarod (2022). Good luck Brent!

PFD Deadline Approaches

Click the image above to be forwarded to the online PFD application.

The 2023 Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend filing deadline is midnight on March 31st… but don’t wait! To be in the first batch of PFD payments this October, apply online at pfd.alaska.gov and request direct deposit. The PFD is our share of the state resource wealth and is important for Alaskans – like myself – who use it to save for college, buy fuel for a cold winter, put food on the dinner table and donate it to charities.

Want Help to Attend College? FAFSA Training!

We currently have the lowest rate of students enrolled in FAFSA this year with only 19.8% of Alaskan students having completed the 2023-2024 FAFSA. If you or your student have not applied for federal financial assistance this year, please visit https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa. The class of 2021 left nearly $6 Million dollars in unused Pell Grant funding. Students will not receive the Alaska Performance Scholarship, the Alaska Education Grant, and many other Alaska institution based financial aid awards without completing FAFSA.

ACPE's Master the FAFSA Training flyer

I know the FAFSA application can be confusing, but there are resources to help. The Alaska Commission of Postsecondary Education has created a Master the FAFSA training. This training runs every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00-3:00 pm during January through March. These trainings will be held on zoom and will go over the FAFSA process for Dependent Students. A Dependent Student is defined as high school seniors and perspective college/career training students under 24 with access to parents’ tax information. March 14th and 23rd being held specifically for independent students which are defined as foster youth, homeless youth, individuals with dependent children or other dependents, and individuals over 24. 

My Staff and I are Here for You

As always, I and my staff are are still working for you. Feel free to contact my office and we will assist you with issues important to you and your family. 

Working Hard for Fairbanks Families,


Senator Scott Kawasaki

Alaska State Senator

Serving the City of Fairbanks, Ft. Wainwright & Badger Road


As your Senator, I am here to listen and help. Contact me anytime.



Lisa Murkowski

Fairbanks Office:

250 Cushman St,

Suite 2D

Fairbanks, AK 99701

(907) 456-0233 or Email

Senator Dan Sullivan

Fairbanks Office:

101 12th Avenue, # 328

Fairbanks, AK 99701

(907) 456-0261 or Email


Mary S. Peltola

153 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20515

(202) 225-5765 or email State Office Forthcoming

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Phone: (907) 465-3466

FAX: (907) 465-2937

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Juneau, AK 99801


Phone: (907) 456-7423

1292 Sadler Way Suite 308

(AlaskaUSA Credit Building)

Fairbanks, AK 99701

Toll Free: (866) 465-3466










Here are some ways

to let your voice be heard regarding issues important to you.

Write a Letter

to the Editor: submit up to a 350 word letter to the Fairbanks News Miner via their website: http://newsminer.com

Contact the Governor:

Governor Dunleavy's Fairbanks office may be reached at (907) 451-2920. You can also visit the state website at gov.alaska.gov