I just introduced SB 138, which will be the ‘omnibus’ elections reform bill and would revamp Alaska’s election system. Senate Bill 138 is not new. In fact, many elements contained in SB138 were vetted over the last two years, passed the House and was going to pass the Senate on the last night of the 32nd Legislature before the clock struck midnight and the bill failed to pass. I have since been working with Senator Mike Shower, the prior chairman of the Senate State Affairs Committee, Rep. Sarah Vance, the House Judiciary Chair, Rep. Laddie Shaw, the House State Affairs Committee Chairman and Lt. Governor Nancy Dahlstrom, who presides over the Division of Elections. While a final product is still working it’s way through both the House and Senate, I am very hopeful that some of the crucial measures may pass this year to improve elections-which are right around the corner in 2024. Some items included in SB138 which are still being debated will be:
- Division of Elections to count absentee ballots starting at least seven days before Election Day and beginning to release vote tallies at 8:00 PM on Election Day.
- Tightening and clarifying residency requirements for voting in order to clean up voter rolls.
- Adding a signature verification system and requiring the Division of Elections to ‘cure ballots’ for signature discrepancies or other technical mistakes.
- Prepaying postage for mail in ballots and allowing a verifiable date sent, such as a USPS bar, rather than the postmark date, to serve as the date on which the voter voted.
- Making explicit what happens when someone votes twice and enforcing criminal offenses to intentionally vote more than once.
The bill has an initial hearing on 4/27 at 3:30pm and you can watch on www.akl.tv. The bill will have public testimony on 5/2/2023 at 3:30pm and written testimony can be sent to senate.state.affairs@akleg.gov to become a part of the public record.
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