
April 26, 2023

Dear Neighbors,

     Day 100 is here and many new bills which are being passed (or killed)! The exciting news is there is still more to come on an even tighter timeline! From elections integrity and voting rights to nondiscrimination in housing, to new forest resources and community involvement, it is all coming to an end in three weeks. Read on for more information on how to get involved. To keep folks up to date, please watch us on www.akl.tv, follow us on Twitter and Facebook and contact our office by phone at 907.456.7423 to get current information!

Providing Care for New Mothers and Babies

   Last Wednesday, April 19th, the Alaska Senate voted unanimously to advance legislation to extend Medicaid coverage for new mothers from 60 days to 12 months, thanks to new federal laws. SB 58 is crucial for families across Alaska as the state has among the highest infant mortality rates in the United States. By helping new mothers and families we are helping the future of Alaska.

The bill will now go to the House Finance Committee where it will be heard on April 26th at 1:30 PM. Please reach out to members of the State House for comments and support.

Improving Election Integrity and Supporting Voter Rights

Senator Kawasaki voting by mail

I just introduced SB 138, which will be the ‘omnibus’ elections reform bill and would revamp Alaska’s election system. Senate Bill 138 is not new. In fact, many elements contained in SB138 were vetted over the last two years, passed the House and was going to pass the Senate on the last night of the 32nd Legislature before the clock struck midnight and the bill failed to pass. I have since been working with Senator Mike Shower, the prior chairman of the Senate State Affairs Committee, Rep. Sarah Vance, the House Judiciary Chair, Rep. Laddie Shaw, the House State Affairs Committee Chairman and Lt. Governor Nancy Dahlstrom, who presides over the Division of Elections. While a final product is still working it’s way through both the House and Senate, I am very hopeful that some of the crucial measures may pass this year to improve elections-which are right around the corner in 2024. Some items included in SB138 which are still being debated will be:

  • Division of Elections to count absentee ballots starting at least seven days before Election Day and beginning to release vote tallies at 8:00 PM on Election Day.
  • Tightening and clarifying residency requirements for voting in order to clean up voter rolls.
  • Adding a signature verification system and requiring the Division of Elections to ‘cure ballots’ for signature discrepancies or other technical mistakes.
  • Prepaying postage for mail in ballots and allowing a verifiable date sent, such as a USPS bar, rather than the postmark date, to serve as the date on which the voter voted.
  • Making explicit what happens when someone votes twice and enforcing criminal offenses to intentionally vote more than once.

    The bill has an initial hearing on 4/27 at 3:30pm and you can watch on www.akl.tv. The bill will have public testimony on 5/2/2023 at 3:30pm and written testimony can be sent to senate.state.affairs@akleg.gov to become a part of the public record.

Alaska Must Continue to Be a Welcoming Home to All!

Senator Kawasaki Introducing SB 108

The non-discrimination bill, SB108 was heard for the first time in Senate Labor and Commerce Committee this week. SB 108 is the Senate equivalent to HB99, by Freshman Representative Jennie Armstrong. Both bills seeks to codify protections for the LGBTQ+ community in Alaska statute when it comes to housing discrimination under the Alaska Commission on Human Rights. These bills are not just vital for the LGBTQ community but also for the future of Alaska. Making Alaska a safe place for everyone is a great way to keep and bring people to the state. To see my opening remarks for the bill, and why it’s so important click here

‘2-1-1’ is the Place for Information Alaskans Need to Know

Senator Kawasaki calling someone from the floor, perhaps 2-1-1!

Have you ever been unsure of where to get help or resources? While calling into my office is always an option, Alaska 2-1-1 is another! Alaska 2-1-1 is an information and referral service that connects people to vital community, health and social services provided by a range of nonprofit, governmental and tribal agencies.

Alaska 2-1-1 can help with a wide variety of issues including healthcare navigation. Alaska 2-1-1s healthcare navigators can help with impending or recent loss of Medicaid coverage. They’re very knowledgeable about the health insurance marketplace and can help Alaskans no matter where they live in the state. Healthcare navigators provide free unbiased help to explore affordable coverage options and any tax credits or cost savings for which people may qualify.

You can reach Alaska 2-1-1 by dialing 211 or 800-478-2221. Their call center is open Monday through Friday 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM with a one-hour lunch break from noon to 1:00 PM. Look below for more ways to reach them. 

Get Involved! Fairbanks Assembly Public Testimony  

The Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly is proposing to fund the local share for public education at $50 million next year. That is $9 million less than what the district recommended.

The Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly will be holding meetings about public education funding April 27th, May 4th and May 11th at 6:00 PM. Public testimony is encouraged, and you can sign up ahead by calling the borough clerk’s office at 907-459-1401.

If you are unable to call in and testify, please e-mail your testimony to assembly@fnsb.gov

My Staff and I are Here for You

As always, I and my staff are are still working for you. Feel free to contact my office and we will assist you with issues important to you and your family. 

Working Hard for Fairbanks Families,


Senator Scott Kawasaki

Alaska State Senator

Serving the City of Fairbanks, Ft. Wainwright & Badger Road


As your Senator, I am here to listen and help. Contact me anytime.



Lisa Murkowski

Fairbanks Office:

250 Cushman St,

Suite 2D

Fairbanks, AK 99701

(907) 456-0233 or Email

Senator Dan Sullivan

Fairbanks Office:

101 12th Avenue, # 328

Fairbanks, AK 99701

(907) 456-0261 or Email


Mary S. Peltola

153 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20515

(202) 225-5765 or email State Office Forthcoming

Facebook  Twitter  Instagram


Phone: (907) 465-3466

FAX: (907) 465-2937

State Capitol Building

Juneau, AK 99801


Phone: (907) 456-7423

1292 Sadler Way Suite 308

(AlaskaUSA Credit Building)

Fairbanks, AK 99701

Toll Free: (866) 465-3466










Here are some ways

to let your voice be heard regarding issues important to you.

Write a Letter

to the Editor: submit up to a 350 word letter to the Fairbanks News Miner via their website: http://newsminer.com

Contact the Governor:

Governor Dunleavy's Fairbanks office may be reached at (907) 451-2920. You can also visit the state website at gov.alaska.gov