‘Omnibus’ Elections Update
I appreciate the hard work Senator Mike Showers, Representative Sarah Vance, Representative Laddie Shaw, Lt. Governor Nancy Dahlstrom and I have put in this year to bring this bill to life. Unfortunately, it was returned to the Senate Rules Committee as the operating budget took center stage.
While I am disappointed the bill did not pass this year, it gives us more time to fine tune this legislation during the interim and pass it early next session.
This legislation is important because:
It allows the Division of Elections to count absentee ballots starting at least seven days before Election Day and beginning to release vote tallies at 8:00 PM on Election Day.
Tightens and clarifies residency requirements for voting to clean up voter rolls.
Adds a signature verification system and requiring the Division of Elections to ‘cure ballots’ for signature discrepancies or other technical mistakes.
Prepays postage for mail in ballots and allowing a verifiable date sent, such as a USPS bar, rather than the postmark date, to serve as the date on which the voter voted.
- Makes explicit what happens when someone votes twice and enforces criminal offenses for intentionally voting more than once.