

Juneau Note: Legislative Open House, Education Outcomes, Grant Wishes & More!

The Holidays are upon us! There are many exciting things happening in and around town, but there are also important things awaiting us in the new year as the Legislature sets the agenda. The Governor will introduce his budget in a little over a week and priorities of education, energy and the economy will dominate the legislative session-again!

Juneau Note: Legislative Open House, Education Outcomes, Grant Wishes & More! Read More »

Juneau Note: Helping Hands, School Support & Tax Relief, a New Bill & More!

As Fairbanks approaches the ‘holiday’ season, it has been exceptionally busy. In the city, the election was finalized and new members of the School Board and Borough Assembly were sworn in and seated, the holiday season means that some vulnerable families are in need and you can help, time keeps on ticking-or backwards if you were on Daylight Savings Time (is it ‘time’ for change?), school and child support will be a huge and important lift this year. Check out the holiday beginning enewsletter today!

Juneau Note: Helping Hands, School Support & Tax Relief, a New Bill & More! Read More »

Juneau Note: Winter is Coming! The PFD, Elections, and More!

Interior Alaskans have really had a blessed autumn. We have had warmer days, over a longer span of time and these longer seasons are certainly welcome to folks who wish to recreate or finish up the last-minute summer projects. But winter is coming. Are you prepared? The e-newsletter contains information about your notes about getting ready for winter, safety for drivers and pedestrians, the Permanent Fund Dividend amount and why it is important to vote next week!

Juneau Note: Winter is Coming! The PFD, Elections, and More! Read More »

Juneau Note: Microreactor, Port of Alaska, Weatherization and More!

Last week I was honored as the Co-Chair of the Joint Armed Services Committee to host members of the United States Air Force, Army, members of DOD, and members of our legislature in a joint meeting on the future of Alaska, our relationship to the U.S Military and new and exciting energy opportunities at the Fairbanks LIO.

Juneau Note: Microreactor, Port of Alaska, Weatherization and More! Read More »

Juneau Note: Session 1 Done! Bill updates, Budget and Wrap Up

Dear Neighbors,

After a nine hour special the House and Senate reached a final agreement—and final passage—on the state’s operating, capital, and mental health budgets. As the green up begins in Fairbanks my mother and I are looking forward to seeing our neighbors and friends enjoying all the Interior has to offer. In this report I will give highlights of what the budgets includes for the Interior and update the status of bills that will make Alaska a better place to live and grow. I also would like to extend a special thank you to those who have written, called, and testified during this session. Thank you for your involvement.

Juneau Note: Session 1 Done! Bill updates, Budget and Wrap Up Read More »

Juneau Note: Bills are moving! AAPI Month, Graduations and More!

Dear Neighbors, we’ve made it to May! There are about two weeks before we pack up and leave Juneau. While that does not seem like a lot of time to get things done, bills are still moving quickly and even being introduced. Session is not over and most of the 360 bills that have been introduced this 33rd Legislature will not pass and be taken back up when the Legislature reconvenes in January of 2024. There is only one item that MUST pass before May 17th and that is the Operating and Capital Budget to keep the state running.

Juneau Note: Bills are moving! AAPI Month, Graduations and More! Read More »