
Juneau Note: DEADLINE APPROACHING! EO Results, Take Money OUT of Politics!

Thank you to everyone who made it out to my constituent meetings over the weekend! It was nice to hear from my neighbors in person. I had a day to get back on my feet before a Joint Session to decide what happens with the Governors Executive Orders, a bill hearing on ALS Awareness Month and Campaign Contribution Limits!

Juneau Note: DEADLINE APPROACHING! EO Results, Take Money OUT of Politics! Read More »

Juneau Note: State of the State, Coming Home, Bills on the Move and more!

The Legislature completed the third week of a 16-week legislative session beginning with the State of the State address by Governor Dunleavy and rounding out the week with movement on important legislation. I am excited to announce yet another opportunity to meet in town with the Fairbanks District legislators in the upcoming week. Check out and keep informed with another e-newsletter update from the Capitol in Juneau!

Juneau Note: State of the State, Coming Home, Bills on the Move and more! Read More »

Juneau Note: Off to a Rocky Start, Let Me Hear You and The Future of Education!

The first day of the 2nd Session of the 33rd Alaska Legislature began yesterday afternoon with some excitement. The 2nd Session is a new start to the end of the session in May and so all of the legislation and committee assignments start where they ended and the legislators get to review how the budget met expectations midway through the budget year.

Juneau Note: Off to a Rocky Start, Let Me Hear You and The Future of Education! Read More »

Juneau Note: Ready for Next Session! Mail Price Increase, Safety and More!

I hope you enjoyed a safe and festive Christmas and a great start to the new year! With the Second Regular Session beginning on January 16, I am hopeful the House and Senate can come together, balance the budget the Governor has provided, set priorities like public education, health and safety and pass essential legislation to improve the economy and lower the price of energy.

Juneau Note: Ready for Next Session! Mail Price Increase, Safety and More! Read More »

Juneau Note: The Budget, Senior Benefits, Town Hall and More!

Yesterday was the shortest day of the year and winter solstice. Today and every day after will be a little bit brighter! Christmas and then the New Year is almost upon us, which means the Legislative Offices will soon be closed in Fairbanks and then reopened in Juneau. I wanted to let you know of a few items before we fly south for the legislative session. Alaskans had a first peak at Governor Dunleavy’s budget last week leading to many questions surrounding items such as senior benefit funding. The holidays are a time for joy and happiness but also a time to watch for your neighbors and there is a future constituent town hall meeting and coffee chat coming your way!

Juneau Note: The Budget, Senior Benefits, Town Hall and More! Read More »

Juneau Note: Legislative Open House, Education Outcomes, Grant Wishes & More!

The Holidays are upon us! There are many exciting things happening in and around town, but there are also important things awaiting us in the new year as the Legislature sets the agenda. The Governor will introduce his budget in a little over a week and priorities of education, energy and the economy will dominate the legislative session-again!

Juneau Note: Legislative Open House, Education Outcomes, Grant Wishes & More! Read More »