

Juneau Note: Day 100 is here! Elections integrity, equal rights, and more!

Day 100 is here and many new bills which are being passed (or killed)! The exciting news is there is still more to come on an even tighter timeline! From elections integrity and voting rights to nondiscrimination in housing, to new forest resources and community involvement, it is all coming to an end in three weeks. Read on for more information on how to get involved. To keep folks up to date, please watch us on www.akl.tv, follow us on Twitter and Facebook and contact our office by phone at 907.456.7423 to get current information!

Juneau Note: Day 100 is here! Elections integrity, equal rights, and more! Read More »

Juneau Note: Town Hall, PFAS, Construction and More!

The Easter weekend was packed with events ranging from the Fabulous Feminist Fundraiser, a joint Legislative Town Hall, visiting friends and constituents and more. It was great to be back and to see the Polaris Building once more before demolition! Want to hear more about the Legislative Town Hall, sponsored bills, local construction and more?

Juneau Note: Town Hall, PFAS, Construction and More! Read More »

Juneau Note: Noyes Slough Bridge Retirement, Willow and Protecting Alaskans

I hope you’ve all been staying warm during the recent cold snap in Fairbanks. Despite the weather advisory winds, my office has been keeping warm down in Juneau. Some exciting headlines this week include the Iditarod, the Willow Oil Project was sanctioned, the Noyes Slough Bridge is finally being retired and I will introduce a

Juneau Note: Noyes Slough Bridge Retirement, Willow and Protecting Alaskans Read More »

Juneau Note: Education, Retirement and Elections

The sun has made an appearance in Juneau and the session is heating up. The Governor, yesterday, introduced a bill to provide extra funding for teachers recognizing the Senate request for support for education. My Senate colleague, Senator Cathy Giessel introduced SB88 which would create a better retirement for teachers, public safety workers and critical

Juneau Note: Education, Retirement and Elections Read More »