
On the Kenai: Weekly Legislative Update for March 17

Hello! This week will be another busy week in the Capitol. Both US Senators will give their annual updates, the Legislature will vote up or down on the Governor’s Executive Order that would create a new Alaska Department of Agriculture, and the Education omnibus bill, HB 69, will be heard in the Senate Education Committee […]

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Dunbar Dispatch: Spring in Juneau

With Spring just around the corner, there’s been a vibrant, spirited energy in the halls here throughout the capitol building. Over the last few weeks of session, I’ve very much enjoyed all the wonderful opportunities I’ve had to meet with constituents, working groups, and other parties interested and invested in continuing to make life in Alaska everything we know it can be.

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Education, Wildfires and Layoffs

Today is the 53rd day of legislative session. As usual, there is a lot going on here in the Capitol, as well as a lot going on in local, state and national news that is of importance to those of us who live in the Interior. Support for schools has been the main topic in the House and will now become the major topic in the Senate since passage of a major education funding bill. Springtime also means a focus on the financial outlook for the State and how we choose which public services are most important when compared to the finite revenue.

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